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Non Uniform Day – Friday 5th February- School in a Bag

Posted On 01 Feb 2016
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School in a Bag!

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I am sure you are aware that we try to space our fundraising events out throughout the year and also vary the cause, for example
In school – Chrsitmas Fayre
National – Children in Need/ Sport Relief plus one other

Local – Supporting the Strensall Carnival

This year our international focus is called ‘School in a Bag’. It really touched us and we felt it was really in tune with children supporting children. In essence the money we raise, results in funding a school bag full of equipment (£15.00 each bag) to enable an orphaned/ disadvantaged/ vulnerable pupil to go to school. The more we raise the more bags we can supply and the bigger chance we can give to these children. Fundraising and awareness of the world, we believe, is a key part of learning about our British Values and our sense of community.

Therefore we are holding a non uniform day in our school next Friday (5th February) where we would like you to make a donation of £1.00 or whatever you feel you can give.
In addition each class will have a teddy purse to put any coins in during the week. Cook school and Mrs Seabourne are going to sell biscuits on the Friday for 30p each, so bring a little extra for a tasty snack! For more information please visit their website http://www.schoolinabag.org/

Thank you for your support for this very worthwhile cause, Mr Evans, Mr Carrigan and the School Council

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