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Our Robert Wilkinson Tree

Posted On 16 Nov 2015
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Our Robert Wilkinson Tree

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We have been developing our red tree logo into a symbol of learning and growing.

There are several key parts

  • Excellence
  • Belonging
  • Opportunity
  • Respect

are the key aims of the whole Ebor Academy family of schools, which encourage us to work and grow together in a mutually supportive environment. Below it is our tree with Robert Wilkinson, our founder, sheltering under the branches.

At the roots, are our three school aims which we aim to foster in our school community.
On the branches are three key skills we wish to develop in our pupils whilst we guide them through the curriculum. To be problem solvers, collaborators and be able to work independently are three highly sought after skills in the ever changing world of work.

Also on the branches are four ‘characteristics’ we will be proud to develop in our school community. Resilience, Honesty, Ethusiasm and Confidence. Again I am sure these are characteristics you would love to see developed in our children to help equip them for the challenges ahead. I have set a little challenge this week for our pupils to find out what each of the words on the tree mean! The first characteristic we will be visiting over the next two weeks is resilience.

Interestingly this characteristic came out number one in a survey of what businesses would like us to develop in our pupils.

We hope the image of the tree and its meaning will help us to focus together in developing our children and community for the future, I hope it helps us all to work in partnership and to truly be proud to work, learn and grow together.

Mr Evans

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