01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy

Newsletter 07.10.16

Please click the link below to view this weeks newsletter.  

Our New Spanish Club

Last Friday we welcomed Year 2 children and their families to a new Spanish club where mums, dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers and even babies can all have a go at learning Spanish together. It was great to see so many enthusiastic children and supportive families learning...

Newsletter 30.09.16

Please click the link below to read this weeks newsletter

Newsletter 23.09.16

Please click on the link below to view this weeks newsletter.

School Individual Photographs – Thursday 6th October

Our school photographer will be visiting next Thursday 6th October to take individual pupil photos during the school day. The photographers will also be doing sibling/family photos before and after school. You can book an appointment between 8am and 8.40am via the school office...

Newsletter 22.07.16

Please click the link below to view this weeks newsletter.

Super Sports Day 2016

Last week saw our 2016 Sports Days. The whole school from our preschool children to our Year 6’s participated in another fantastic sports day. All our children joined in and tried their best in all the events set up by the fantastic sports team. Thank you to all the parents...

Newsletter 01.07.16

Please click the link to view this weeks newsletter.

Newsletter 27.05.16

Please click on the link below to view this weeks newsletter.

Favourite book characters at Robert Wilkinson

Willy Wonkas and the oompa lumpahs made special appearances at Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy as children dressed up as their favourite characters from books to celebrate “love our library day”. The Strensall schoolchildren were fundraising for books for the new library area...