01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy


Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy

Headteacher: Mrs Donna Bedford

Assistant Headteacher: Mr Anthony David

Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Jo Mould

Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy,
West End, Strensall, York, YO32 5UH


If you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us by any of the options below. If you are a parent/carer and would like paper copies of information please email the school office via our email address.

Telephone: 01904 806414
Email: admin.rws@ebor.academy
Chair of Governors:
 Mr E Cochrane| slt.rws@ebor.academy

The Chair of Governors can also be contacted via the school office or by post to the school address

Registered OFSTED number 140471

If you are a parent/carer and would like paper copies of information, please email the school office via our email address or telephone us on 01904 806414.



Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy is part of the Ebor Academy Trust

Ebor Business & Training Centre, The Leyes, Osbaldwick, York. YO10 3PR.

CEO – Mrs Gail Brown

Tel. 01904 806806

Email: admin@ebor.academy
Website: www.ebor.academy

Registered in England No. 08806335

Additional contact information

For any general enquiries please contact Helen Smith our School Business Manager via the school phone number or the school email address above.

Our SENDCO (Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) is Rachel Cummings and she can be contacted using the school email address or the admin.rws@ebor.academy address for confidential correspondence.

For Confidential Correspondence to the Senior Leadership Team within the school contact: slt.rws@ebor.academy

For Lettings and Premises enquiries and correspondence contact: admin.rws@ebor.academy

For Preschool enquiries contact: admin.rws@ebor.academy

For Wrap Around Care enquiries (Breakfast Club / After School Club) contact: wac.rws@ebor.academy

For queries relating to Wrap Around Care bokings or payments contact CBS –

  • Contact email address:  robertwilkinson@childcarebookingsforschools.co.uk
  • Contact phone number:  01444 523335

For our Armed Services Family Champion contact afc.rws@ebor.academy