01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy

At Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy, a high standard of personal appearance is expected of all pupils.

Please click here here to see our Uniform Policy

To place an order:

  • Visit SchoolShop here
  • Pay online by Credit Card, Debit Card or Charge Card

Affordable Uniform:

Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform. We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have to have a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price. 

In addition to this we support parents by providing a range of preloved uniform for a  small donation. This is available on request and at the end of each term.


Plain black or grey trousers or tailored shorts.

Plain black or grey skirt or pinafore

Red gingham summer dress.

Red, white or navy blue polo short or white blouse.

Red Jumper or cardigan – This can be plain or with the school Logo

Plain black sensible styled shoes.


PE uniform: To be worn all day on PE Days

Black PE shorts.

White t-shirt.

Outdoor trainers (non-marking soles).

Plain black jogging bottoms.

Plain black warm top/outdoor tracksuit top with no hood.


Swimming uniform: Only required for children in years 2-6

We ask that the children bring an appropriate swimming bag

Full swimming costume or fitted swim shorts



Swimming hat (these can be purchased from the school office)


Forest Schools uniform

Children in FS2 & KS1 need to have a spare pair of wellies in school

Forest Kits (Waterproof coat & trousers) can be purchased via a link on the school website. (These are unbranded, alternatives can be worn). School also has spare Forest Kits that can be worn by children who do not bring their own


Other Uniform Expectations

Jewellery is not encouraged in school. However children can wear plain stud earrings but they must be removed for PE. Watches can also be worn. (But not Smart Watches) Jewellery remains the responsibility of the child.

Long hair should be tied back if it impacts on learning and should always be tied back during PE.

Hair should be a natural colour

Jewellery/ Make up:

  • Just one small gold or silver stud may be worn in each ear. This rule applies to both boys and girls.
  • No other jewellery may be worn.
  • Earrings must be removed by the pupil before PE lessons and swimming lessons.
  • Plasters cannot be worn over earrings for PE. If children are going to have their ears pierced, we recommend they have them pierced at the start of the summer holidays to avoid disruption to their learning.
  • Make up and nail varnish is not permitted


To place an order:

  • Visit SchoolShop here
  • Pay online by Credit Card, Debit Card or Charge Card


Returns or exchanges

There is a free returns service please contact SchoolShop here