The school was last inspected by Ofsted in December 2023
The inspectors who visited our school carried out their inspection which included deep dives into 5 subjects, lesson visits, discussions with staff and pupils, meetings with school leaders and members of the Ebor leadership team and scrutiny of children’s work. We are delighted to share with you that overall we are a ‘good’ school with ‘outstanding’ features in behaviour and attitudes and personal development. The inspection framework has changed significantly since the last time the school was inspected and we are heartened by the many complimentary comments made about our school.
We are incredibly proud of what this document represents – the culmination of our commitment, hard work and a strong, focused, ongoing approach to school development. The Ofsted inspectors witnessed what happens every day at Robert Wilkinson and we are pleased that everything we have worked towards was clear to see.
Thank you for all your support and particularly to the children who left a lasting impression on our inspection team and continue to shine each day at Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy.
To download our OFSTED report please click the link below: