At Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of all our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences challenges in life that can make us feel vulnerable and that, at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health and well-being is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.
At our school, we promote a mentally healthy environment through:
- Promoting our school values: ‘Proud to Work, Learn and Grow Together’ which encourages a sense of belonging for all.
- Promoting pupil voice and opportunities for children to express themselves.
- Celebrating both academic and non-academic achievements in order to promote positive self-esteem.
- Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through children taking responsibility for their actions and the impact they have on others alongside a restorative approach.
- Providing children with opportunities to reflect using restorative practice.
- Access to appropriate support that meets children’s’ needs.
- Daily check-ins which help children to understand their emotions and feelings better and to feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries with a trusted adult.
- Helping children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks.
- A thorough and well planned PSHE and RSE curriculum
Our Wellbeing Team
Mrs Wilson – Welfare Lead Practitioner, DDSL & Armed Forces Champion
Mrs Wilson runs interventions with children with a social, emotional and mental health focus. These interventions sometimes run for longer and are alongside support offered to parents / carers at the same time. Mrs Wilson leads on support for families at School Led Early Help Level 2 and will also attend Team Around the family Meetings with other agencies in York that are supporting families. Mrs Wilson also coordinates support for service children and families, especially at key transition points when they join RWPA, or when parents are deployed or away on exercise.
Miss Whyman – Well-being and Behaviour Lead Practitioner + SMHL
Miss Whyman runs interventions with children, either 1:1 or in small groups, with a specific social, emotional or mental health focus. These children go through a referral system and are referred by their teacher, sometimes after discussions with parents or carers. Parental consent would always be required.These interventions run for roughly 6-8 weeks. Miss Whyman also delivers PSHE lessons to the FS2 children.
Mrs Wilson and Miss Whyman work closely with the Lead Teacher for Well-being and Behaviour, the DSL and SENDCo to ensure a whole school approach in building a positive culture around well-being and mental health.
Louise Huggins – School Wellbeing Service
The School Wellbeing Service (SWS) is a school based early intervention mental health support service. It is jointly funded by health, the local authority and schools. Louise is Robert Wilkinson’s SWS worker, find more about what she does in our school here…School Well-being Service Again, school will liaise with Louise about appropriate use of her services and any direct work with children will always require parental consent.
Well-being in mind team – (WiMT)
The well-being in mind team are NHS run and is a local Mental Health support team providing support in educational settings in 3 main ways;
- Whole School Approach – including assemblies and whole class work.
- Providing timely advice to staff to ensure pupils receive the correct support for their well-being.
- Direct work, either 1:1 sessions, group work or parent-led support sessions.
School liaise with the WiMt as to who may be referred for direct work and parental consent would always be required for this.
Our WiMT consists of Emily Stockhill, Emily McIver and Hannah Schofield.