01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy

Parent and Child Workshops

Thank you to all parents, carers and children who attended the Parent and Child Workshops that were held on Tuesday evening. We hope they were helpful and informative to you all. Thank you for also completing your feedback forms from the evening, it is useful for us as an Academy...

Stone Soup Anyone….? Year 4 Cook School

As part of our topic work about the Stone Age , we had a cook school session in which we made Stone Age food. The children were given fish which they wrapped in foil and then they were allowed to choose what ingredients they wished to season their fish with. The ingredients they...

Back in the Stone Ages with Year 4

In Year 4 we have been learning about the Stone Ages. A couple of weeks ago we got the opportunity to go into the Copse to create our own Stone Age houses out of things we could find. Here are some of what we created……