01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy

The Magic of Roald Dahl – Year 2

For the past term in Year 2 we have been learning all about Roald Dahl and his magical books and writing. To finish our topic work we put on our fabulous performance to show all the parents and carers everything we have learnt. We performed poems, readings and lots of songs. It...

Wonderful Mrs Wigley

Our wonderful Mrs Wigley is retiring after 28 years of teaching at Robert Wilkinson. After starting in 1987 Mrs Wigley is finally bowing out to enjoy the relaxing lifestyle of being retired. She will be greatly missed by staff and children and we wish her all the best and hope...

Our Hockey Hero’s

Our hockey team did amazingly well tonight . We qualified for the Semi-final by winning 3 games in our group. 3-1 vs Lakeside (Issy x3), 1-0 Vs Copmanthorpe (Issy), 4-0 vs Wheldrake (Issy x 2, Olly x 1, Aren). The semi-final was 0-0 and we won on penalties (Aren scored the...

The day Robert Wilkinson went blue and yellow !!

Today as a whole school we celebrated Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day with Holly Whittle and her family with a Hip Hop  dance on the Muga. Holly lead the whole school in two dance routines to her two favourite songs. Helen Brown of Kinesis Dance has kindly spent time teaching...

The Solar Eclipse

The whole school came into the main hall where we all watched the Solar Eclipse on a big screen. At the same time Mr Harvey Walker had set up a camera in the playground to capture images of the eclipse as it occurred. Some of the children who had either special glasses or pin...

Robert Wilkinson SEN Policy

Please click on the link below to view our SEN Policy. SEN POLICY This policy was last reviewed in July 2015

Stars of the Week – 09/03/15

Here are our Stars of the Week from this week. Keep up the good work everyone, we are really proud of you.      

Stars of the STEM Week – 27/02/15

This week we have had our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week. All the children below have been awarded a certificate for their outstanding work during this past week.    

The Four E’s

We believe that our curriculum should Engage pupils, be Enquiry based, encourage Exploration and use Evidence to support thinking and reasoning. These are collectively known as the 4 E’s in school and our posters show some ways that we incorporate them.
collaboration, independent, curriculum

Problem Solving, Collaboration and Independent Learning.

Many of the activities we plan for our pupils’ , endeavour to promote Problem Solving, Collaboration and Independent learning. To develop these three life skills alongside our broad and balanced curriculum we believe enhances our pupil’s learning experience. These...