Newsletter 25.10.19
I really hope you found your visits to your child’s class for Open Doors and Parents Evening useful and enjoyed the experience. I hope they also helped you see the importance and relevance of our homework drivers being kept to 3 main aspects:
- Reading every day
- Practice spellings and look for spelling patterns
- Practice counting / number bonds (+/- to 20) / x tables
They really are so key to learning.
There are several other significant successes from this week that I would like to mention.
Firstly, to have our Year 2 pupils performing puppet shows so confidently and with great enthusiasm was fabulous. Thank you so much to the Year 2 team for trying out this celebratory idea.
The book fair was a roaring success. We have never sold so many books! Thank you so much for supporting it and working in partnership with us to develop a love of reading across our school community.
Well done to the achievements of so many individual pupils and teams of pupils across school. This may have been through football, being invited to special tea for being a wonderful role model, creating a successful design for the KS2 Christmas Bauble Competition with York Theatre Royal, holding a winning entry at the Strensall and Towthorpe Show or being a star of the week in class!
Finally I would like to draw your attention to another community drive we have been steadily developing as the half term has progressed. You have definitely had to bear with us a little as we have explored the best uses for ParentHub and of course some of the teething issues. This is definitely becoming our primary source of information to you. There is always a balance between what is too much information and what is too little and we are working hard to streamline what we do. However, I am sure you agree, you would rather have too much and know what is happening than be kept in the dark!
The ParentHub App is definitely a good way to keep up to date. (See our admin team if you need any help).
ParentPay of course continues to be our system for payments and bookings.
We have also been quietly developing our Website and Twitter presence too. The front page on our website is split into 3 sections (in addition to the many tabs along the top!)
Latest News is for any events and quick updates. School News is for bigger articles and events. And Twitter is, where we post things happening across school. Take a look, it is developing nicely!
Our website link is (You can subscribe to this too if you wish, via the link low on the bottom right hand side)
Our Twitter handle to follow on twitter in @robwilkprimary (our family of followers is steadily growing – even Joe Wicks the body coach retweeted our Year 1 clip!)
If I don’t see you at the disco this evening, have a great half term everyone.
Chris Evans