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Run Around the World…….. nearly there!!

Posted On 29 May 2020
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Our charity challenge, to run, walk, cycle or wheel across the world, comes to an end this weekend.
Staff, children, families and friends across our 24 schools started on 1 May and between us we have collectively travelled – as of midday today – 35,913 kilometres. The distance across the world is 40,000 kilometres.
With just over 4,000 kilometres (2,485 miles) to go and two and a half days to do it in, this remains tough but not impossible!
Please join in for a last push to get us over the line. We’ve already done really well and there have been some amazing achievements. It would be such a shame to fall short when we’ve come so far.
Please log your distance run, walked, cycled or wheeled here and remember, you can submit a total that covers a few sessions if you’ve done some distances but forgotten to log them. And if you’ve not done it before, then now’s your chance! Every little helps. Tell your friends!
The main purpose was to help people get fit and to take their minds off the current lockdown situation. We set up a JustGiving page to raise funds for NHS charities if anyone wanted to contribute, although we emphasised this was only if people could afford it. We’ve smashed the target of £750 and the total currently stands at £3,270. Much of this is thanks to the amazing efforts of a Reception child, Annie, from Sigglesthorne. The plucky five year old has been out and about on her bike every day and her fundraising has been outstanding.
To help boost the coffers even more, go to our JustGiving page here.
But it’s completing the big adventure that matters. We’ve had shout-outs of encouragement from sporting celebrities – see our Twitter page here for details. Now, to get us back home, it’s down to you. Go on, take part – you’ll be glad you did!
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