01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy

Stars of the Week – 29/01/16

Here are our superstars of the week. Each child has received a certificate to celebrate their hard work and outstanding effort in school. Keep up the hard work everyone.  

Newsletter 22.01.16

Please click the links below to view this weeks newsletter. Newsletter 22.01.16 (Downloadable version)

Newsletter 15.01.16

Please click the link below to view this weeks newsletter. Newsletter 15.01.16 (Downloadable version)

Stars of the Week – 15/01/16

Here are our Stars of the Week. Each received a certificate to recognise their hard work and extra effort in class this week. Well done everyone and keep it up.    

Stars of the Week – 08/01/16

Here are our Stars of the Week and our Music Stars who gained their music certificates this week. Fantastic start to the new term everyone. Keep up the hard work.    

Stars of the Week

Here are our Stars of the Week. There has been some fantastic work this week in school. We love celebrating all your hard work. Don’t forget to look at our Celebration board next to the Brown Hall. Each week we will be sharing photos of any school achievements including...

Newsletter 27.11.15

Click the link below to view this weeks newsletter. Newsletter 27.11.15

Newsletter 20.11.15

Please click the link below to view this weeks newsletter PCCAtt13322421-20151119161028699

External Parenting Course

We just would like to make you aware of the following course which is due to start very shortly: Family Links Parenting Puzzle (parents of 2-15 year olds) This nurturing programme runs for 10 weeks and programme builds on the skills parents already have and introduces lots of...
Policies and Procedures

The Prevent Strategy

Protecting children from the risks of radicalisation and extremism Schools now have a duty of care to protect children from the risks of radicalisation and extremism. This is called ‘Prevent’. The Prevent duty is “the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on...