01904 806414 | admin.rws@ebor.academy


Posted On 30 Apr 2021
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Click here to read the full plan: Long Term Plan – PSHE & SRE

Our school’s overall aim is to give all children the best possible opportunities to grow and develop as people in their own right during their time at Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy.

The PSHE programme and our school’s overall ethos aim to give all children the skills that they need to achieve their best and to prepare them for their future by being proud to work, learn and grow together. We encourage children to aim high in their future ambitions but also to develop realistic steps to achieve their goals. Our thematic-based curriculum develops children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development (SMSC) across the curriculum. As a result, pupils have a very good understanding of how to reflect on and empathise with other cultures and talk about events within Britain and around the world. Our PSHE curriculum supports our SMSC development and developing the health and wellbeing of pupils. Our curriculum delivery ensures every single pupil is supported to inspire and make a significant contribution to pupils self development and wellbeing to create a powerful, positive energy for growing and learning.

Within the PSHE curriculum we teach the statuary RSE objectives. The aim of RSE is to provide children with age appropriate information, explore attitudes and values and develop skills in order to empower them to make positive decisions about their health related behaviour. Please find the draft policy, consultation letter and PowerPoint sent to parents.

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